Final Quickstart Update

Hey everyone!

Just checking in as it's been a bit! Big news is that we've fully updated the quickstart! Some things are no longer available, like the Hayle Region, but in its place all eight core Playbooks are open and available to everyone! The Finals are still reserved for the full version. We've also increased the number of Genmon available, though 70 more will be exclusive to the full release.

We hope you enjoy!


Quickstart_PDF_-_A_Monsters_Tail_-_UPDATE_6.15.2024.pdf 11 MB
15 days ago

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I just attempted to download and view the quickstart and the entire PDF was just blank black pages in my PDF reader of choice Foxit reader.

It is working on my cell phone where i use a different reader, weird.


It works on all our systems so it seems to be an issue with Foxit.